Each year, generous donations from community members enhance the Library and help us in our mission to provide a wide range of services and resources to the community. Click here for the Library’s full Donation Policy.

Material Donations (Books, DVDs, etc.)
The Library does not accept donation of materials for circulation, but the Friends of the Frankfort Library are happy to accept donations for their ongoing Book Sales. Here are their guidelines:
- The Friends accept: hard and softcover books, DVDs, audiobooks, and CDs. Unfortunately, they are unable to accept magazines, VHS tapes, encyclopedias, dictionaries, or old textbooks.
- All items should be in donation-worthy condition, with no ripped pages or stains.
- You can bring the donation to the Circulation Staff inside the library (Please no drop-offs in the book drops or outside the building.)
- There is a limit of 1 bag/box per day per household, in order to give volunteers time to go through all donations.
Monetary Donations
Monetary donations at all levels of giving provide funding for programs, community outreach services, materials, technology, and capital improvements beyond the reach of the Library’s budget. Donations can be made directly to the Library and are tax-deductible as provided in Section 170 of the Internal Revenue Code. Click here to donate online by credit card. Check donations should be made payable to the Frankfort Public Library District, and have “Donation” written in the memo, so that the Business Office can determine where to route it. Checks can be mailed to:
Frankfort Public Library District
21119 S. Pfeiffer Road Frankfort, IL 60423
Donor Acknowledgement Wall
Looking for a way to leave a lasting memory at the Library or honor or memorialize a loved one? Any person, groups of people, or organization making a monetary donation to the Library of $500.00 or more may be acknowledged in the form of a plaque on the Library’s Donor Acknowledgement Wall. For more information, please fill out the Donor Acknowledgement Wall form, or contact Library Director Amanda Kowalcze.

Commemorative Book Program
The Library welcomes monetary contributions specifically for book purchases in memorial to or in honor of named individuals. These items will contain a label in the front of the book noting the named individual, and will be included as part of the Library’s circulating collection. Please complete this form if you are donating as part of the Commemorative Book Program.
Library lovers often wish to remember the Frankfort Public Library District in their will, trust, or other estate plans. We appreciate this expression of support as it recognizes the valuable contributions that we make to the community. A bequest can take many forms, so consider discussing with your estate planner ways to leave a lasting legacy to the Library. Your estate planner or lawyer may need the Library’s legal information below:
- Library’s Legal Name: Frankfort Public Library District
- Library’s Legal Address: 21119 S. Pfeiffer Road, Frankfort, IL 60423
- Library’s Tax Identification Number (TIN): 36-2745366

Thank you for your donation consideration. For any further questions, please click here for the Library’s full Donation Policy, or contact Library Director Amanda Kowalcze.