Volunteer Opportunities at the Library
Weekly Volunteer Opportunities
Help prepare program materials, tidy the library, and other tasks to assist library staff.
- Volunteers must attend an Orientation Meeting before being added to the schedule. The Orientation Meeting counts for one (1) hour of community service. Orientations Meetings happen every month.
- Volunteers must fill out our volunteer form. This gives us a means to contact you about your shifts or contact someone for you in case of an emergency.
- Volunteers, please sign up for one (1) session a week.
- Please call us in advance if you are unable to volunteer on your day. If you miss 3 sessions without notice, we will delete all of your other sessions.
- Email Christy, the Teen Librarian
- Contact Youth Services desk at 815-469-2423 ext. 126.
What is the TAB?
The Teen Advisory Board is a group of teens from Grades 6-12 who volunteer at the library. They help with library programs and projects, create programs and activities for teens and children, and contribute to decisions about the Teen Department and Teen Programming.
When/Where does TAB Meet?
TAB meets once a month on Thursdays, either in one of the library meeting rooms or outside, weather permitting. TAB members receive one hour of community service for each meeting.
Please check our online calendar for dates.
Can I still volunteer at the library if I don't join TAB?
Yes! Check out the information below.
How do I join TAB?
- Fill out the application here.
- You may attend meetings without receiving a reply to your application.
Can I do court-ordered communityservice hours at the library?
The library cannot accept court-ordered volunteers.
How do I volunteer at the library if I am over 18?
The Friends of the Library are always looking for new members and run some exciting events where you can help!
Make, Take & Decorate Projects
Periodically there will be opportunities to earn service hours by creating a small decoration for the teen department.

Create an original video for the library YouTube channel
Submit a 3-5 minute video on a subject of your choice and earn 1 (one) hour of community service per video.
Book Reviews
Give us your thoughts on any book you want (no spoilers!) You can also submit written reviews for us to use in the library.
Create an informational video about any holiday that interests you. These MUST be turned in before the holiday so they can be uploaded on time. Check out the library’s holiday section or The National Today Website for inspiration!
Cooking, playing/writing music, gaming, etc. Share your knowledge of something you love or something you’re learning!

Notes about Videos:
1. All videos must be approved by Christy, the Teen librarian, before they are posted.
2. Your video can be any format – a skit, a PowerPoint with voiceover, etc.
3. The comments section will be turned off for teen videos.
4. No last names will be used in the titles or descriptions for the videos. Let the Teen Librarian know if you would prefer your name be left out entirely.
5. List any sources used, especially for holiday videos, to they can be included in the video’s description
6. If the video files are too large to send through email, please share it with Christy’s email, through Google Docs.